Why Preschoolers Need Regular Exercise

Why Preschoolers Need Regular Exercise

Nobody needs to tell you that regular exercise is good for your body, this is just common knowledge to an adult. As for children, it then becomes the responsibility of the adult to ensure that their child or children get regular exercise. The obvious effects that exercise can bring to children such as improving their health and wellbeing can be seen quite easily but it can also be under the surface where the most positive effects are taking place. Studies have shown that exercise can improve the mental capacity of children who regularly exercise that can then boost the child’s learning abilities and brain movement. There is also evidence of children who have improved cognitive function, the ability to focus more easily and gain better memory. Some of the points below are what researchers have been able to recently discover

Physical And Emotional Development

Some activities like walking, running or dancing  can encourage the enhancement of gross motor skills such as endurance, strength and balance. Along with this, children can then develop good habits earlier on that can lead to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risks of health issues toward adulthood. Regular exercise in children can also lead to a better night’s sleep thus improving mental awareness and reducing the risk of mental health issues such as depression. With improved mental awareness the child can also have a greater attention span in the classroom with less behavioral problems.  

Children Retaining Information After Exercising

Evidence gathered also suggest that children participating in regular exercise are better at keeping information they have been taught, stored in their memory and transfer of memories from short term to long term. The evidence suggested that children who exercised for less than four hours a day could remember detailed pictures from a memory test than those who had not exercised.

Improved Cognitive And Motor Skills

More evidence suggests that children simply undertaking 25 minutes of cardiovascular activity can increase the brains connectivity and efficiency, while improved performance of motor skills tasks assigned to them were also noticed. These often difficult tasks were given to the children 24 hours after undertaking exercise for 20 minutes.

Improving A Childs Focus Through Exercise

With just some of the research above one can conclude without a doubt that regular exercise is not only beneficial for a child’s health and wellbeing but that it greatly enhances their behavior, learning and cognitive functions. Through social interactions and activities such as team sports and play time with other children, they also gain more self esteem and confidence. The confidence gained and increased concentration can then be transferred to the classroom which can then help with their studies. If outdoor activities are not possible for some reason or another, then you also have the option of installing one of our hugely popular indoor playgrounds or home gym. Please feel free to contact us at Fitness Kid to learn more about the products we have on offer