Master the Pull-Up in 2020

If you want to develop every muscle in your midsection, including your abs, do nothing more than a set of long, strenuous pull-ups. The majority of work is done by your back, shoulder, and arms, which have to carry the weight of your entire body. This underrated form of bodyweight exercise is the best way to develop incredible core strength. The best part about it is that you don’t need a costly collection of equipment to pull it off. With just a doorframe pull-up bar, you can look forward to a fit upper body provided you maintain consistency. 

Start Here if You Can’t Do the Perfect Pull-Up

An important point to keep in mind is that pull-ups have nothing to do with your back. Even with a perfectly strong back, pull-ups will be a significant problem if your core is weak. To build your inner strength, start by doing barbell and dumbbell exercises, including a series of 1-arm rows. By building core stiffness around your torso, you have a greater chance of doing a better pull-up. 

Alternatively, you can perform full sets of wide-grip lat pull-downs or eccentric pull-ups. The latter requires that you jump to the top position and slowly lower your back. These are perfect training drills to give both arms something stiff to pull on. That will have a significant impact on your ability to support the weight of your body.

How to Do a Proper Pull-Up

Step one: Assuming you have your leap bar in place, grip it tightly with your palms facing the opposite direction. Ensure your hands are apart by a shoulder-width, and your arms are fully extended. If your legs keep dragging on the floor each time you lower your body, bend them at the knee. 

Step two: Each time you lift your body, ensure your core is engaged, and your shoulders are back. Set your sights on engaging each upper body muscle to assist in your elevation. 

Step three: Don’t rush when moving upward. Raise your body until your chin goes slightly higher above the bar. Equally, go downward slowly until you fully extend your arms. 

Step four: Don’t over-engage your arms at first. Aim to do ten successful pull-ups. It may seem laughable, but the longer you maintain consistency, the more pull-ups you can perform. Ten reps are a way of getting used to your body weight and knowing how far you can go. 

Various Pull-Up Grips to Try Out

Neutral grip: It distributes the average workload amongst multiple muscles. It is ideal as the final grip for a drop set and also for building strength.

Overhand grip: It places a massive workload on your lats, therefore making it the hardest to use. 

Underhand grip: Your biceps will benefit more from this grip. It turns your pull-ups into chin-ups, thereby placing more emphasis on the biceps.

Fitness Kid has all the equipment your child needs to stay in shape. Purchase the best quality of work-out accessories to ensure your child channels their energy in the right direction. Feel free to contact us and learn more about the products and services we have to offer.